Nimbuzz Account Protector (NAP)
Using this tool, you can stop worrying about getting your account hacked.This program will stay online 24/7 and make sure your password and email stays the same.So in case someone hacked your account while this program is running, it will change back to your old password and email.This will give you time to save your account.Steps:1- Open config.txt file in any text editor, input your details there.2- Run file using Python (In Windows, if you have Python installed, just double click on the file)3- Sit back and relax
nimbuzz A/c protector download link :-
Your ID will not be online, so don’t worry about receiving messages in it.
And if you were offline and someone sent you a message, it will not be received on this program either.
If you had any troubles with the configuration file, delete it, then rename config.txt.original to config.txt , and use it as the configuration file.
"coded by ultimate zero"